Saturday, September 21, 2013

Supernatural Assurance

Hebrews 11:1-2 (NLT) "Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation. 

I cannot see it yet, but I am not giving up. God will do it.

Faith IS THE confidence in what we hope for, because what we hope for has been given by God. Unless God reveals His plan, we walk on our own. You must know you walk with God, and have confidence in what He has shared with you! There is no doubt in my heart today as I reflect on this powerful scripture  that there is a supernatural release of assurance about what we cannot see today, and we need it. It is not time to give up, it is time to press on!

Have you ever saw something so clear in prayer, in a vision or a dream? Yet that thing has not yet manifested in the natural realm? In fact, it seems all hell breaks loose and no one believes you, no one wants to hear you in the matter and then a loneliness almost settles in? Just because you have faith, does not mean that you will not face opposition. What you hope for will most certainly first take you through a fire. This same fire will test the hope, purify your motives and build assurance in your spirit. But we must keep our gaze on The Savior, giver of faith! 

Faith is cultivated in the atmosphere of magnifying The Father, and walking in humility. When we take a step of faith, to walk in what God has spoken to us at any point in our life, there then comes a supernatural humility. A humility that has its aim on the Father. In this position of humility, God deals with our hearts. In the place of repentance, God lifts us up, and leads us with peace. He promises, no matter how hard things get, that we will prosper in every way regardless of where He sends us. 

Our salvation, and gifts cannot be earned. They are Gods beautiful gifts. Some of our most treasured moments with God are those moments where He simply whispers and comforts floods our soul. It is absolutely liberating to know Him and His plans for our life! A good reputation is not given, it is earned.

You must go through the fire, times of testing and periods of waiting. There may even be things God wants you to place on hold for a season, just so He can release the greater things. The things you have been hoping for are being purified.

Just like those hero's of ours, those who have set the tone for what we walk in today have set aside their own ambitions for the Fathers, so must we. A life lived in faith is no easy life, but it is a life of goodness and prosperity at its purest level. We have abundance so we can experience all God desires. Not only for us, but for the ONE and the MULTITUDES He is bringing us to. All so that Jesus is magnified and souls won for Him.

Don't worry about your reputation, God will take care of you!Transformation takes place, when our hearts are postured in faith. And this same faith, propels us to establish our confidence and reputation that is centered in the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness.

Father, today, I ask you to help me see what I am not seeing clearly. I need you help, and I need your wisdom. Help me connect only for the Kingdom of God, in Jesus name. Amen. 

In the harvest field,

Jed Lindstrom
Founder - Let's Go Ministry

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