Friday, August 23, 2013

FIRE in the ASHES!

In this vision, I saw the entire United States in ashes, almost as if a war had taken place and struck the Nation down. The people were sitting in ashes but there it was, a blazing FIRE in the ashes. I saw a FIRE so bright and beautiful! 

The ashes represent people's hopes, dreams and destiny. The ashes are life, family and businesses seemingly wasted away by the war waged on all mankind. But ... 
I saw a FIRE in the ashes!
A wind came suddenly and blew the FIRE through the ashes into the people and nearby cities. There was a heat wave of creative life power that swept over the land, and it was stirred by the very Spirit of the living God. The glory of God was manifesting through the land, and people began to breathe again. 

From the North, East, South and West people began to cry out to God, and the hearts of millions turning to the Lord seeking His LIFE for their life. Their perception of what they were doing began to shift, and the Lord Jesus Himself brought revelation and wisdom to live for eternal benefits.
The FIRE in the ashes is the LIVING GOD consuming our life for His glory to be revealed. 
There is a ripe harvest waiting for us to GO and reap. It is time to demolish the works of the devil, through obeying the voice of God and walking in step to His call.  It is time to bring GOOD NEWS to the United States with Kingdom love and authority and to the Nations abroad. A message from God of true salvation, healing and deliverance for everyone willing to open their hearts and receive! Many are waiting for you and I to speak LIFE and DESTINY, demonstrate His love and power. GO INTO ALL THE EARTH and let the FIRE of God consume your ashes.



In the harvest field,
Jed Lindstrom

Malachi 4:3,6 (NKJV) 3."You shall trample the wicked, For they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I do this,” Says the Lord of hosts. 
6. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”

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