Friday, January 31, 2014

Reconciliation and Freedom NOW

Today I write to you with great joy in my heart, and it is urgent that I write. As I was flying back from Armenia Colombia I felt the Holy Spirit impress on my heart to love lavishly, and to pour out my life of faith, with no reservations. This is a supernatural blast of life, faith, love and power that is contagious! This is a year of Reconciliation and Freedom for many. (2 Corinthians 5)

The Gospel message of Jesus Christ is liberating right from the beginning. Because even looking at the name of Jesus, before the sound of His wonderful name is uttered, grace and power fills the land. We cannot hold back this message, people around us need to breathe this in, and experience His love.

Jesus says in Luke 10:2 (NLT) - These were His instructions to them: "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So PRAY to the LORD who is in charge of the harvest; ASK HIM to send more workers into His fields." 

We know in the word of God that Jesus prayed with purpose and then was compelled into action. We cannot sit around praying repetitive prayers and hope Jesus sends someone else! Because before Luke 10:2, is Luke 10:1. He sends them out, in pairs, into every city and place He planned to visit and do something miraculous. So as they were laboring, and stepping in faith, God speaks to them to go, and pray. He knew we would be asking for more help along the way, and He promises to send more help.

I speak to thousands of people each year, some Christian, many not. I have seen many people give up too soon because they think they are the only ones doing something "for God". Well, that is just not true, in fact, we need to realize that others are doing something just as important as we are. Find time to give help and bless others. I have wanted to give up many times, but now I see that would have been a selfish move. God never gave up on me, and He calls me not to give up on others.

By the grace and power of God I press on. The Holy Spirit has empowered me to go into all the earth with the message of Freedom and Reconciliation in Jesus name, and 2014 I  will do just that, and more. God bless you, and remember as you GO INTO ALL THE EARTH, there is someone near you today, who needs prayer for Salvation, Healing and Deliverance.

In the Harvest field,

Evangelist - Jed Lindstrom 
Office: 386.872.7019

LEARN MORE ABOUT "Freedom Experience 2014" 
Daytona Beach Florida ---- Nov 14, 15 2014 @ Jackie Robinson Ballpark
Barranquila Colombia ----- July 25, 26 2014 @ Estadio Romolio Martinez

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