Thursday, July 25, 2013

Going into Barranquilla Colombia Aug 2-13 2013

I am preparing to GO into Barranquilla Colombia right now with the Showers family partnering with the Colombian church, from Aug 2-13, 2013. The first thing that hits my heart is the fact that I am leaving my wonderful family. As tough as it is, I know that God has them in His care, and they know that I love them very much. I am on a mission birthed from the Holy Spirit. It never excludes them even though they are home. We are deeply connected and we can sense each other from afar, and we share the fruit.

Our ministry, Lets Go Ministry, is saturated in prayer and backed up with so much support; the work we have been entrusted with continues to grow. We prepare so we are ready to GO INTO ALL the earth, and bring the Good News of the Gospel to everyone we possibly can. We do it with what God provides and by His supernatural grace.

There is so much Grace in Gods plan of redemption. It is demonstrated  in the reality that Gods love is for all of mankind to receive. Too many get caught up in thinking/focusing on the evil in the world, and the many questions that will never be answered. This draws me into Gods presence, with an awe and a wonder. What is really going on here!?

With the battle raging each day for the human soul, many faint and dry up, even with Gods extended love, many resist and perish. Does that stop Gods grace and plan of redemption? Certainly not!

God has come to DESTROY the works of the devil. So must we! He does His work supernaturally through His people. Millions every day give up hope, without ever calling on the name of Jesus for help. If people would cry out in humility, the response from God would be miraculous.

Undeserved favor is found in the Freedom that only God brings. Redemption came from God. It was His idea from the very beginning. I am not writing this to go deep theologically, rather, to really celebrate the powerful reviving Love of God. He never fails, and His plans are good for every tribe and tongue. Today, think about where you might GO, and where can you demonstrate grace to another.

You are already blessed today, in Jesus name, GO into all the Earth.

Your friend in the harvest field,
Jed Lindstorm

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