Wednesday, January 8, 2014

150to50kCampaign 2014

What is 150to50kCampaign any way!? What does my money go towards? These are two most common questions we receive, and I hope to share my heart towards them.

The very first thing I want to do before I do that, is thank you for taking the time to read this, and for partnering with Lets Go Ministry through 2014 financially. You are a real "GO PARTNER!"

Lets Go Ministry is an evangelism ministry, impacting this generation with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ through the word of the Lord and personal real life stories. Our three main components are Speaking Ministry, Evangelism training and Creative Missions trips. We bring a message of Freedom to the Nations where people see results of the living God loving them now. It truly is an honor and privilege to do this, but we are unable to without your support. Many Churches/across the globe, ministries, individuals, families and businesses help through each year, and we are forever grateful!

150to50kCampaign SIMPLIFIED
This campaign is to help Lets Go Ministry raise up an additional 150 faithful financial partners through 2014, reaching 50k with the Gospel. It is our first year, but will be annual since God continues to grow our work, we need much more support. It is a 50 day journey beginning Jan 6, 2014 and ending February 24th, 2014. During this time we will have the ability to not just "bug you for money", but really invest in your life and share an opportunity of a life time to partner with Lets Go Ministry.

What does my money go toward?
1. Our vision to reach over 50k people with the Gospel message.
2. 8 missions in 2014; speaking opportunities; Evangelism Training.
3. Helping supplement cost for other missionaries.
4. Preparation work and Follow up work.
5. The thousands of young people and families we minister to each year, are a direct result of your gift. 6. Meetings (relationship building) to connect people to local healthy churches.
7. Preaching the Gospel (its our life-style!), making disciples, giving lavishly and ringing freedom through the nations JESUS!
8. Printing, Travels, Gifts, Offerings
9. Last but not least, you give us the availability to be there at any given time to love and serve our city, Nation and the Nations abroad with the word of the Lord - Love of Jesus. By your gifts, you give us the time we need to get the work done right.
10. We are declaring the Kingdom of God, Freedom, Salvation, Healing and Deliverance free of charge. We do this because you give offerings. The Gospel is free but it takes money to get the work done.

In 2014 alone, we have two New Creative Outreaches. We will be filling two Minor league Stadiums in Daytona Beach FL, and Barranquilla Colombia. We also will be hosting missions teams local and abroad, along with over 40 speaking engagements through the year reaching in various locations. By the grace of God, power of the Holy Spirit and your committed support we will do this together.

These 50 days will raise a significant chunk of funds that will help Lets Go Ministry operate with freedom through 2014.

Please partner with us today in one of the following ways:

2. Call us: 612.483.8793 (We can walk you through it and set it up securely)

3. Write us: (we will get back with you right away within 48 hours)

4. Special Offering Today:  

5. Like us on Facebook – (stay posted live)

In the harvest field,

Jed Lindstrom

More QUESTIONS? Still not clear or need more details?
Email: (we will respond in less than 48 hours)(Also details for your gifts more specifically will be administrated through the year as events, missions and speaking events.

DISCLAIMER: We are an evangelism ministry, not looking to plant a church. We stand stronger with the support of the local churches, families and individuals. WE MUST MAKE IT clear, that we want you to tithe, give to and bless your local church, and the place you are fed spiritually. Your gift to Lets Go Ministry may fit best in your over flow and extra offering funds, that do not interfere in any way with your commitment to others. We appreciate faithfulness is giving, and your help is needed, but we also honor those God has placed as spiritual authority over your life. We are focused on evangelism ministry and soul winning; we are connected so they can have a healthy place to grow in a local church or place of ministry to be Pastored and blessed. Thank you for understanding. 

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