I didn't travel much until I was 25 years old. Now, I have been all over the USA and to other countries as well. I know now, God has a divine purpose everywhere I go, more than what I can see. Go into all the earth with purpose.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Billions in caves
In the vision, I was taken inside a cave, and I was among the people. As I walked in I was overwhelmed with the amount of hurt and pain all around me and the cries rang in my ears and my spirit so loud that my head was spinning! So I began to cry out to God, that He would show up!
What appeared in my hand suddenly took me by surprise, but i was blessed as I received this gift of light in my hand. It was a hot burning torch with an easy to grip handle. The torch was easy to carry, but I needed to hold it just right so I could see and those around me could see too. I held it above my head, because of so many people around I did not want to burn them. In a moment as the torch lit the cave, the people stopped their piercing screams with relief and tears dried up. The supernatural release of heaven invaded that cave and freedom became a reality in a moment for everyone in the cave.
I simply held the torch high, above all the people, and there it was, the power of God manifested in that cave.
I recognized that the message God has given to me is a message of reconciliation and freedom! It truly is The Gospel Torch, igniting the human soul trapped in unrighteousness and affliction. The torch is not afraid of the wickedness or pain around, it simply IGNITES a HOLY FIRE that consumes its foe! The enemy of salvation is destruction - AMEN!! Hallelujah! Glory to God, there is nothing to fear, God is here right now and He calls you out of the cave into His freedom.
I speak forth healing, salvation and deliverance now in JESUS name, Gods promise to you and your whole family. Follow Jesus today, dont turn back.
God has already blessed you in Jesus name.
In the harvest field,
Thursday, November 7, 2013
The Message
The Gospel Message is Hope
And freedom from sins slope.
The momentum of death
Is fast as last breathe
The power of Gods love
Wraps your soul snug
Jesus died on the cross
But blasted from the grave
Breaking sins curse
Releasng fear from the hurse
Eternal life is reality
Snapping law of gravity
No longer a question
Knowing Jesus is no suggestion
He is the Way Truth and Life
Breaking demonic powers
Break forth with singing
Our Fathers business soul winning
For the diligent rewards wait
But strive in faith not cash breaks
God is good
Repentance is refreshing
When your heart turns willingly
Surrender at last
No more guilt from the past
Freedom reigns Jesus saves
No more dead works just grace
Surrender your life in Jesus name
Healing is flowing through your pain
Walk in Faith and know He is with you
Enough said. ...
God has already blessed you
In Jesus name!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Ordinary to Extraordinary
Only God by the power of the Holy Spirit can truly change our worldview and mindset. Often times we sit in unbelief and doubt, when God has so much more for us to dive into. He wants us Go from ordinary to extraordinary.
Yes, God uses ordinary people, but He does that to reveal the extraordinary. God's extraordinary is released into the natural and experienced by people like you and me.
He wants us to dive into the extraordinary, wonderful and beautiful. Everything about God is all the above. As we go about our day, What is it that consumes our mind and life?
Recently, I have allowed the cares of this world and the lust of the flesh to consume too much time. I am convicted in my heart and convinced that I need a mind set change and heart change only God can make. I am believing God for His grace and provision to flow as never before.
Today I choose to lay down my flesh, and my cares in trade for His Spirit and provision. Amen.
John 16:8
God is the One who convicts of sin, righteous and judgement.
In the harvest field, and not giving up,
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Good News
Proverbs 25:25 (NLT)
Good News from a far country is like cold water to a thirsty soul
As you GO today, keep in mind there is someone thirsting. Their mouths are dry, and they wait for a cold glass of water from God. You are to deliver this in perfect timing. May you see this opportunity.
A group of people wait now. When you hand them the water, they will grasp it for dear life. Be gentle, as their hands are frail, their eyes are dark and glossed with shame.
As the good news of the Gospel is declared from your lips, transformation will take place in their life. You will see just a little, but the thirsting will be taken care of. They will not be the same as when you encountered them.
In Jesua name, you are blessed. Praying Holy Spirit infused words and actions.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Supernatural Assurance
Hebrews 11:1-2 (NLT) "Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation.
I cannot see it yet, but I am not giving up. God will do it. |
Faith IS THE confidence in what we hope for, because what we hope for has been given by God. Unless God reveals His plan, we walk on our own. You must know you walk with God, and have confidence in what He has shared with you! There is no doubt in my heart today as I reflect on this powerful scripture that there is a supernatural release of assurance about what we cannot see today, and we need it. It is not time to give up, it is time to press on!
Have you ever saw something so clear in prayer, in a vision or a dream? Yet that thing has not yet manifested in the natural realm? In fact, it seems all hell breaks loose and no one believes you, no one wants to hear you in the matter and then a loneliness almost settles in? Just because you have faith, does not mean that you will not face opposition. What you hope for will most certainly first take you through a fire. This same fire will test the hope, purify your motives and build assurance in your spirit. But we must keep our gaze on The Savior, giver of faith!
Faith is cultivated in the atmosphere of magnifying The Father, and walking in humility. When we take a step of faith, to walk in what God has spoken to us at any point in our life, there then comes a supernatural humility. A humility that has its aim on the Father. In this position of humility, God deals with our hearts. In the place of repentance, God lifts us up, and leads us with peace. He promises, no matter how hard things get, that we will prosper in every way regardless of where He sends us.
You must go through the fire, times of testing and periods of waiting. There may even be things God wants you to place on hold for a season, just so He can release the greater things. The things you have been hoping for are being purified.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Love Lavishly!
It seems real love has grown cold everywhere and millions have a view of love that does not include a relationship with God. The reality is, without God we have no view, with have no reference. In fact, without God, there is complete separation and condemnation.We must view this seriously. If we do not have real love we have nothing. We could posses all the finest material possessions or spiritual gifts, but if there is no real love, than there is nothing.
This love is a love that forgives when everyone says it's not possible, this is a love that speaks grace in the midst of violent enemies, and a response which blows the mind of the viewer. The greatest love of all time, JESUS, demonstrated real love and humility on a criminals cross, and that same power releases us to LOVE LAVISHLY. It releases us from the prison of our mind. A prison that keeps records to hate people and hate God.
The Lord Jesus, desires us to be released from the mindset, that no one is valuable. When we love with no restraint, we have discernment and we have grace. God bless you!
Today, meditate on these scriptures, and let the love of God compel you, to LOVE LAVISHLY!
Proverbs 17:9 (NLT) "Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends."
Luke 6:37 (NLT) "Do not judge others and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others or it will come back against you. FORGIVE others, and you will be forgiven."
Matt 24:9-14 (NLT) "Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers. And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people. Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the LOVE OF MANY will GROW COLD. BUT the one who endures to the end will be saved. And the GOOD NEWS about the Kingdom will be preached throughout thew whole world, so that ALL nations will hear it; and then the end will come."
In the harvest field,
Founder- Lets Go Ministry
Friday, August 23, 2013
FIRE in the ASHES!
The ashes represent people's hopes, dreams and destiny. The ashes are life, family and businesses seemingly wasted away by the war waged on all mankind. But ...
I saw a FIRE in the ashes!
The FIRE in the ashes is the LIVING GOD consuming our life for His glory to be revealed.
In the harvest field,
Malachi 4:3,6 (NKJV) 3."You shall trample the wicked, For they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I do this,” Says the Lord of hosts.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Annabelle Faith!
Luke 1:51-53 (NLT)
"His mighty arm has done tremendous things! He has scattered the proud and haughty ones. He has brought down princes from their thrones and exalted the humble.
On our recent mission trip to Barranquilla Colombia, (experiencing hundreds of young and old people coming to know Jesus Christ as their Savior, healed, delivered/988) I pulled this out of my pocket and was reminded of my daughter handing it to me. As I looked at it, I began to cry a little.
God knew I needed to read it at that exact time, because I needed a boost from the Spirit of God, reminding me about child-like faith and humility to trust Him! Then the Holy Spirit impressed in my heart: "the same way Annabelle gave this to you, is how I want you to give your life for the Kingdom, with all your shortcomings, I will reveal Myself loving and powerful!"
God has already blessed you in Jesus name!
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Casting nets with no shame
Cast your net with no shame, My Anchor will establish your safety.
For the next 25 minutes I was downloaded with a vision of the vast amount of people in all the earth, and the presence of God hit me that I must never be ashamed to cast nets he has given me to demonstrate His love with evidence He is present. Never. Because His anchor will help move me where He desires to the endless sea of people, waiting to see, hear, taste, touch and smell the Kingdom of God now. Heaven impacting peoples lives tangibly today. Amen!
"and my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power." 1 Corinthians 2:4
I know God is raising up ordinary people to demonstrate extraordinary love to people who are hungry.
The reality that Jesus calls us to "Go into ALL the earth" and preach the Gospel to every creature, not holding back, not full of shame, rater full of grace and mercy.
The Holy Spirit is stirring your heart now, to allow the Holy Spirit to manifest His glory in places of the earth He sends you to. I have responded to the call of God on my life, and my answer is Yes and amen. I will no longer limit the Glory of God by clogging the Holy Spirit from free flow through my life. I declare freedom and power in Jesus name, and I declare Billions of Souls coming into the Kingdom of God during this end time harvest we are in now. Place a tight grip on the plow, and don't look back! Whole Communities, Cities and Nations, bowing their knees to Jesus, and asking us to help them know Him. Rise up, declare, comfort and help. Amen.
You are already blessed in Jesus name.
In the harvest field,
The Anchor of our Soul is Jesus, who goes down deep into the mud to establish a willing vessel for His glory. There is a glow from the soul that has Jesus as the anchor, because it is evident they are with God. Manifestation in the water as the boat floats where He leads.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Freedom in surrender
God manifests His Grace and Power everyday, with His miraculous touch! Spiritually and physically He manifests His power, to bless us. With an open heart, you to can receive His love that is based on His desire for you to know Him personally. Do you know God yet?
Supernaturally, God is beginning a new work in you. Today,as you read this, God is breaking through barriers you have set up, and He is revealing Himself to you.
Roy surrendeed his life to Jesus right in the streets of East Harlem, during our Lets Go NYC 2013 mission trip. He dumped out his Alcohol, and gave his whole heart to Jesus. (on 116th St.) |
What a Freedom, and what a love! As I surrender my life to God, I began to see a bigger picture. He wanted me to preach this same Gospel, and Go into all the earth. A more excellent and powerful God has me in the grips of His loving hands, and I welcome Him daily. How about you, are you experiencing the Freedom that is found in real surrender?
Real Freedom comes from God when you surrender. Real Freedom empowers you to live right in His sight.
We would like to talk with you more about this relationship with God. Visit us in the web @ www.letsgoministry.com or email us @ info@letsgoministry.com ... Also Like Us on Facebook.
In the harvest field,
Jed Lindstrom
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Going into Barranquilla Colombia Aug 2-13 2013
Our ministry, Lets Go Ministry, is saturated in prayer and backed up with so much support; the work we have been entrusted with continues to grow. We prepare so we are ready to GO INTO ALL the earth, and bring the Good News of the Gospel to everyone we possibly can. We do it with what God provides and by His supernatural grace.
There is so much Grace in Gods plan of redemption. It is demonstrated in the reality that Gods love is for all of mankind to receive. Too many get caught up in thinking/focusing on the evil in the world, and the many questions that will never be answered. This draws me into Gods presence, with an awe and a wonder. What is really going on here!?
With the battle raging each day for the human soul, many faint and dry up, even with Gods extended love, many resist and perish. Does that stop Gods grace and plan of redemption? Certainly not!
God has come to DESTROY the works of the devil. So must we! He does His work supernaturally through His people. Millions every day give up hope, without ever calling on the name of Jesus for help. If people would cry out in humility, the response from God would be miraculous.
Undeserved favor is found in the Freedom that only God brings. Redemption came from God. It was His idea from the very beginning. I am not writing this to go deep theologically, rather, to really celebrate the powerful reviving Love of God. He never fails, and His plans are good for every tribe and tongue. Today, think about where you might GO, and where can you demonstrate grace to another.
You are already blessed today, in Jesus name, GO into all the Earth.
Your friend in the harvest field,
Jed Lindstorm
Friday, June 28, 2013
The Gospel is the Fire that ignites dead hearts
I will not allow my personal agenda or made-schedule to determine what God is going to do. I have planned this mission, inspired by the Spirit of God, so everyone involved will leave changed, encouraged, blessed and ready for the next level in their life. This NYC mission trip is about this exact focus! That we need not to rush, only to be led b the Holy Spirit. He has lit our torches with His fire, we need now to carry it to the Nations. The Gospel is the Fire that ignites dead hearts.
God has already blessed you, in JESUS name! GO into all the Earth with the Message.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
God has already blessed you
There was an elderly man who spent the majority of his life working on the mines and coming home to drink beer and sit in his rocking chair. Over the years, he received many valuable gifts. When he opened them, he would look at them briefly then stack them into boxes which went directly into a shed. This man was such a pleasant man when everyone was around, he would thank people for their generosity, and would even write thank you cards for the gifts. But it took this man 50 years to truly enjoy the gifts he was given by his friends!
After 50 years of collecting these gifts, he decided to look at them and determine what he was going to do with each gift. Even though he kept them, he only kept them out of obligation. He actually hoarded the gifts, and out of pride, “collected them”.
When he received the gifts, he actually only ignored them and let them sit. He loved the idea of having them, just in case! When he finally began to open the packages, to his surprise, he noticed that many of the gifts were still useful! He cracked a little smile and thought to himself; “how selfish and ignorant I was, to think these gifts my friends gave me over all these years were worthless, they now seem to be very helpful and good for my life!”. He also thought to Himself, “I could use these gifts to help others too!”
The gifts we special tools, ones he would have been able to use to not only bless himself, but also to help many others through the years find purpose for their life.
Unfortunately, he never saw how the gifts he opened would be a blessing; he died only one week later after having this great revelation of how good the gifts he was given were.
What do you think this man could have done differently?
God does not call us to chase gifts, and hoard them. He has already given us gifts, to use every day! His greatest gift is Salvation through Jesus Christ. That benefits all who truly surrender and receive Him. Jesus is the greatest gift, anyone can receive! God has already blessed you!! But what are you going to do now?
Do not delay, do not wait and pray about it Salvation is now, today it is urgent to know this God who loves you. Get up, open the gifts He gives you and touch this generation with the Gospel!
2 Corinthians 6:1-2 "As God’s partners, we beg you not to accept this marvelous gift of God’s kindness and then ignore it. For God says, “At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you.” Indeed, the “right time” is now. Today is the day of salvation."
God has already blessed you, IN JESUS NAME - Jed Lindstrom
Sunday, May 26, 2013
P.O.W.: Power over Wickedness
Power over Wickedness
With torment and affliction, he strikes with force any way he can.
God has given you P.O.W (power over wickedness) You must wait for the right time and listen for the voice of the Lord.
GO in grace
GO in humility
GO in power
Be creative
Operate in wisdom
Driven by Holy Spirit
Stir Faith
Heal the sick
Cast out devils
Preach the Gospel!
Don't back down, rather tear down the strongholds the enemy sets. May The Freedom of the Kingdom of God Advance forcefully and freely, with love and blessing. God has given you Power over wickedness, through the precious love and blood of Jesus Christ.
Luke 10:1-2
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Revelations 12:10-12 (NLT) " Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, “It has come at last—salvation and power and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down to earth— the one who accuses them before our God day and night.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Lets Go Journal Blast
I placed this journal together, 10 days to document the move of the Holy Spirit. It is a free gift we want to give to everyone we are able to. It will help kick-start a sensitivity to the Spirit of God, and sharpening ones mind to discern and remember important details.
If you are interested in learning more, or desire to get involved in missions work, please contact us @ www.letsgoministry.com or email us @ info@letsgoministry.com
Here are a few sample pages:
Cover Page |
Short note to the journalist ... |
Back page |
Sample journal page / + one blank page. |
Intro Note from a good friend Donna Tinsley |
Friday, March 15, 2013
Mission Lake Worth FL March 20-21 2013
Hey Lets Go ministry community! God bless you all. I have a prayer request: I have been invited to share a message and my testimony in Lake Worth FL: They have invited over 8 half way houses, 2 treatment centers, family homes and a few businesses. Looking at a full house, possibly over 250-300 people. Pray for us as we will also follow up the next evening with ministry in the streets reaching the broken and desperate! Thank you. !! www.letsgoministry.com or www.letsgoministry.blogspot.com
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Kill that buzz
Riding on the bus as three kids hop on. Actually young adults. They were all high on some drugs. I heard as clear as day "kill that buzz!!" So I began to pray to kill their buzz and it happened. Right before my eyes. Done. Jesus is more powerful than a buzz from a drug!!
Friday, March 1, 2013
Pulse Check
Proverbs 4:23-27 (NIV) “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.”
Compassion fills every child of God’s heart. This primary blood flow creates a pulse that can be detected by anyone and bring heaven to earth.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Greetings from Lets Go @ Daytona 500 infierld mission
HI everyone, we are going into all the earth here @ Lets Go Ministry. Our mission on the infield of the Daytona 500 was very amazing. We saw 4 people surrender their life to Jesus! Over 300 Gospel of John given, 250 of our personal testimony tract, praying with families and individuals for healing and declaring the Gospel through and through each day.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Power in servanthood
During this mission we used very practical natural means to minister to the hearts of NASCAR race-fans on the infield of the Daytona 500! We custom designed coozies, ministry literature and we gave custom bibles, served chili to over a hundred people and cleaned boots and shoes as a demonstration of Gods love. We know that God uses us together to win souls, and this we have done. We thank you for helping serve and bless these race-fans, God truly drew in the broken, hurting sick and poor. Please continue to interceded on our behalf, and on the behalf of those we ministered too. Thank you! Here is a link to our Facebook page where we have more pictures:
Lets Go Daytona 500 mission infield ministry pictures
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Compassionate Action
Jesus speaks NOW, GO show (DEMONSTRATE GODS LOVE) mercy on someone who the devil has stolen from and has left to die.
Mercy extends out so far, that it is open to the ridicule of others for the sake of a promising transformational touch. Mercy is willing to take the time and invest life to the dying.