Friday, January 31, 2014

Reconciliation and Freedom NOW

Today I write to you with great joy in my heart, and it is urgent that I write. As I was flying back from Armenia Colombia I felt the Holy Spirit impress on my heart to love lavishly, and to pour out my life of faith, with no reservations. This is a supernatural blast of life, faith, love and power that is contagious! This is a year of Reconciliation and Freedom for many. (2 Corinthians 5)

The Gospel message of Jesus Christ is liberating right from the beginning. Because even looking at the name of Jesus, before the sound of His wonderful name is uttered, grace and power fills the land. We cannot hold back this message, people around us need to breathe this in, and experience His love.

Jesus says in Luke 10:2 (NLT) - These were His instructions to them: "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So PRAY to the LORD who is in charge of the harvest; ASK HIM to send more workers into His fields." 

We know in the word of God that Jesus prayed with purpose and then was compelled into action. We cannot sit around praying repetitive prayers and hope Jesus sends someone else! Because before Luke 10:2, is Luke 10:1. He sends them out, in pairs, into every city and place He planned to visit and do something miraculous. So as they were laboring, and stepping in faith, God speaks to them to go, and pray. He knew we would be asking for more help along the way, and He promises to send more help.

I speak to thousands of people each year, some Christian, many not. I have seen many people give up too soon because they think they are the only ones doing something "for God". Well, that is just not true, in fact, we need to realize that others are doing something just as important as we are. Find time to give help and bless others. I have wanted to give up many times, but now I see that would have been a selfish move. God never gave up on me, and He calls me not to give up on others.

By the grace and power of God I press on. The Holy Spirit has empowered me to go into all the earth with the message of Freedom and Reconciliation in Jesus name, and 2014 I  will do just that, and more. God bless you, and remember as you GO INTO ALL THE EARTH, there is someone near you today, who needs prayer for Salvation, Healing and Deliverance.

In the Harvest field,

Evangelist - Jed Lindstrom 
Office: 386.872.7019

LEARN MORE ABOUT "Freedom Experience 2014" 
Daytona Beach Florida ---- Nov 14, 15 2014 @ Jackie Robinson Ballpark
Barranquila Colombia ----- July 25, 26 2014 @ Estadio Romolio Martinez

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

150to50kCampaign 2014

What is 150to50kCampaign any way!? What does my money go towards? These are two most common questions we receive, and I hope to share my heart towards them.

The very first thing I want to do before I do that, is thank you for taking the time to read this, and for partnering with Lets Go Ministry through 2014 financially. You are a real "GO PARTNER!"

Lets Go Ministry is an evangelism ministry, impacting this generation with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ through the word of the Lord and personal real life stories. Our three main components are Speaking Ministry, Evangelism training and Creative Missions trips. We bring a message of Freedom to the Nations where people see results of the living God loving them now. It truly is an honor and privilege to do this, but we are unable to without your support. Many Churches/across the globe, ministries, individuals, families and businesses help through each year, and we are forever grateful!

150to50kCampaign SIMPLIFIED
This campaign is to help Lets Go Ministry raise up an additional 150 faithful financial partners through 2014, reaching 50k with the Gospel. It is our first year, but will be annual since God continues to grow our work, we need much more support. It is a 50 day journey beginning Jan 6, 2014 and ending February 24th, 2014. During this time we will have the ability to not just "bug you for money", but really invest in your life and share an opportunity of a life time to partner with Lets Go Ministry.

What does my money go toward?
1. Our vision to reach over 50k people with the Gospel message.
2. 8 missions in 2014; speaking opportunities; Evangelism Training.
3. Helping supplement cost for other missionaries.
4. Preparation work and Follow up work.
5. The thousands of young people and families we minister to each year, are a direct result of your gift. 6. Meetings (relationship building) to connect people to local healthy churches.
7. Preaching the Gospel (its our life-style!), making disciples, giving lavishly and ringing freedom through the nations JESUS!
8. Printing, Travels, Gifts, Offerings
9. Last but not least, you give us the availability to be there at any given time to love and serve our city, Nation and the Nations abroad with the word of the Lord - Love of Jesus. By your gifts, you give us the time we need to get the work done right.
10. We are declaring the Kingdom of God, Freedom, Salvation, Healing and Deliverance free of charge. We do this because you give offerings. The Gospel is free but it takes money to get the work done.

In 2014 alone, we have two New Creative Outreaches. We will be filling two Minor league Stadiums in Daytona Beach FL, and Barranquilla Colombia. We also will be hosting missions teams local and abroad, along with over 40 speaking engagements through the year reaching in various locations. By the grace of God, power of the Holy Spirit and your committed support we will do this together.

These 50 days will raise a significant chunk of funds that will help Lets Go Ministry operate with freedom through 2014.

Please partner with us today in one of the following ways:

2. Call us: 612.483.8793 (We can walk you through it and set it up securely)

3. Write us: (we will get back with you right away within 48 hours)

4. Special Offering Today:  

5. Like us on Facebook – (stay posted live)

In the harvest field,

Jed Lindstrom

More QUESTIONS? Still not clear or need more details?
Email: (we will respond in less than 48 hours)(Also details for your gifts more specifically will be administrated through the year as events, missions and speaking events.

DISCLAIMER: We are an evangelism ministry, not looking to plant a church. We stand stronger with the support of the local churches, families and individuals. WE MUST MAKE IT clear, that we want you to tithe, give to and bless your local church, and the place you are fed spiritually. Your gift to Lets Go Ministry may fit best in your over flow and extra offering funds, that do not interfere in any way with your commitment to others. We appreciate faithfulness is giving, and your help is needed, but we also honor those God has placed as spiritual authority over your life. We are focused on evangelism ministry and soul winning; we are connected so they can have a healthy place to grow in a local church or place of ministry to be Pastored and blessed. Thank you for understanding. 

Cups of blessing

My cup overflows with blessings

Psalms 23:5 (NLT) "You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies.You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings."

In a vision, I saw people all around with large cups grabbing the overflow of blessing that was coming off my cup and they were overflowing too, and people had cups to get their overflow! I was laughing extensively for the freedom everyone was experiencing and sharing. It was so good, and  I could only attribute the fruit of the blessing to the Lord God almighty, my heavenly Father. I was shouting for joy, and releasing my heart before the multitudes of His goodness. It was during this proclamation, that multitudes got healed, delivered and set FREE. Those who received with an open heart never complained once, but some grumbled and walked away. It was pure heavenly goodness. NO one could stop this blessing! No one, and nothing! The humble were blessed and the prideful walked away in shame.

Every demon trembles and every power of darkness is shaken by the power of God and His goodness. The reality is, God prepared a feast and allowed everyone in this vision to eat it in front of their adversaries. The enemy is still shaking! I did not think my cup would over-flow this much, but my God is a Good God, yes He is. 

God bless you today, no matter where you are, laugh, and have joy in His presence, you will be blessed in the presence of your enemies.  

I declare today! AS I GO into ALL the EARTH, I WILL see blessing and favor continue to increase, and I will eat a feast, in the PRESENCE of my enemies ...

In the Harvest field,

Jed Lindstrom

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Jesus wept with action

Many are crying out now to the point of fainting for their loved ones to know God and live. Jesus is asked in John 11 to visit and supernaturally touch Lazarus, a dead man in a cave-tomb. Jesus did it, in His timing. He did it in a dramatic way that impacted everyone and brought life to a dead man. Shocking? Well, that is only the beginning!  Some love it, some hate it, nevertheless, God is at work and His timing is perfect. Watch what God does today, He is answering your prayers, don't give up, trust Jesus with everything. You will see how much He loves you and your family. God bless you, in Jesus name - JED LINDSTROM --- Jesus wept aloud and loved at the same time! John 11:35-36 (NKJV) "35 Jesus wept. 36 Then the Jews said, “See how He loved him!”

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

"Something out of Nothing" - Lets GO!

This morning I was preparing for our new MEN'S BIBLE STUDY called "Kickin' it Ol' School" --- It was a vision of kicking off the new year in a practical yet personal way in the word of God. So I decided to have the study @ a place where there would be an opportunity right away to reach out to each other and those around us, whatever came first - @Panera Bread. I believe God wants to do something through our life. 

Too many of my fellow friends, and Christian brothers and sisters are settling for second best, a life of Christian socialism and community gluttony. We cannot allow "cliques" to separate us from working together any longer, we must together, be about our Fathers business. No one is greater, or superior, we all have our place, and that needs to be respected and utilized in order to harvest souls for the glory of God. God wants to do something out of the nothing of our life.

When God appointed these people they came out of seemingly nowhere, to do something extraordinary! 

Something out of Nothing
Our life is not pointless! Even when it seems like things arent making sense, they will make sense in Jesus name. So .. Why "something out of nothing? The reality is, there is a generation now, God is raising up a people who have never really been seen, but He has chosen. People have been sitting in seats too long, doing nothing, and God is replacing the lazy, with the anointed. 

God is raising up a generation, to be presented as honorable in the presence of their enemies. For years, opposition has come and people influenced by demonic strategies have oppressed leaders God desires to raise up, but NO MORE God says. NOw is the season, that the "NO NAMERS" will be honoring, respectable of past generations, yet bold and courageous with the vision of God - and God will reveal He is in it through the miracles that build the work.

In reading Luke 10:1-2, "After these things the Lord appointed seventy others also,[a] and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go. Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."

I will to draw life from a few words, and begin to ask the Holy Spirit to bring revelation to our hearts. Baptize us Abba, with grace and understanding. 

Two words to focus on here:
1. Appointed by God - God chooses with purpose in mind; a specific job. We are His chosen people, ambassadors/representatives of His Kingdom with His power. (Example found in Acts 6:3) Those appointed also have characteristics honoring that position. Jesus Chose and Declared the people He appointed as faithful and trustworthy, filled with the Holy Spirit; this was an open declaration and evidence that God is with them - not something private. 

- How do you know what you are "appointed" to? God will make it clear, and give confirmation through reliable Godly leadership in your life. You will take radical steps of faith.

2. Sent by God - God sends us to the place He appointed us to Go. We are sent with the freedom God gave us. A freedom which liberates those in captive! (Isaiah 61 and Luke 4)

- As He sends us, remember you are not alone. In fact He not only promises He is with you, but there will always be a "Co-Laborer" with you as you ask for help in the mission.

3. Two by Two - Why two by two? I believe God did this on purpose! So we would have another witness for what we will experience, to broaden testimony through accounts of Gods greatness in full manifestation, for accountability, Support and further help. It was significant to send these believers out with the wisdom and power of God, continually declaring the Kingdom of God, and having someone to share the joy with! 


God appoints us, sends us two by two before His face into every city and place where He is about to show up! Now are there times we are on our own in the workplaces, yes. But in special operations, where there are destinations to travel, and assignments at hand, God divinely sets things together, for everyone to share in Kingdom blessing. 

In the following weeks, we will see how Luke 10 unravels:
1. We will see how God can do a lot with a little
2. You will understand clearly what God wants you to do now.
3. You will be empowered and sent with a message that will touch you deep and give new life to those all around you. 

As you GO into ALL the Earth remember how much God loves you, and remember what He has done in your life. Prepare your heart, and share your story, how God revealed Himself to you, how He saved you. 

God bless you! Jed Lindstrom

PO BOX 9933
Daytona Beach Florida, 32120 USA